Tires should be free of major bumps or bulges, breaks or tread damage.
*Studded tires=スパイクタイヤ
*Grace periode=有余期間
Grace periode for renewing your license
Regardless of the expiration notice, you will still be subject to a citation for driving on an expired license
*Right-of-way=優先通行権 Yield right-of-way
Before turning left, it is important to yield to oncoming vehicles.
*Registration plate=ナンバープレート
Airbag needs about 10 inches of space to inflate
*Median= (道路の)中央分離帯
*No-Zone= represents the danger areas around trucks and buses where crashes are more likely to occur.
*Peripheral vision=周辺視野 Peripheral vision field
*Visual acuity=視覚の鋭さ
*Depth and color perception
When you meet a truck coming from the opposite direction, keep as far as possible to the side to avoid a sideswipe accident and to reduce the wind turbulence between the two vehicles.
*Pull into=寄る
Avoid driving next to other vehicles on multi-lane roads. Someone may crowd your lane or try to change lanes and pull into you.
*Side road=横道
*Traffic Island=(街路上の)交通島 《交通の流れを円滑にし歩行者を守るためのもの
*Angle parking=傾角駐車
*At dust=砂埃が立ってる日
*Windshield wipers=ワイパー
*Take precedence=優先される
*Railroad track=車輪の走路を提供している鉄道の線路
*Custodian =管理人*Behind-the-wheel=運転する
behind-the-wheel supervised practice
*Denote=意味する 印である
*Felony offense=重罪
*Reinstatement=復権 運転する権利を再度交付
The reinstatement fee required
*OVI=Operating a vehicle While Impaired=Operating vehicle under the influence of a contralled substance.
*Culvert= (道路・鉄道などの下を通る)排水渠(きよ)
*Trapped=せき止める You will be trapped after an accident if you wear a safety belt.
A culvert ahead |
Keep to the Right of the Traffic Island |
Upcoming side road |
A road that is lower than the normal road height. |
Low Ground Clearance Railroad Crossing |
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